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  • Luis Chaves at the ILB


Luis Chaves at the ILB

Costa Rican poet and translator Luis Chaves presents his work alongside Haris Vlavianos at 19:30 on Sep 10.

Image for Luis Chaves at the ILB
Photo by Carsten Meltendorf

The Costa Rican poet and translator first gained prominence on the international literary scene with his 100-page “road poem”, “Asfalto”, and has continued to blend narrative and lyric elements in everything from his latest novel Salvapantallas to his blog, Tetrabrik. The beer-drinking football fan currently resides in Berlin with his wife and daughters as part of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program 2015. He will be presenting his work alongside Haris Vlavianos at Poetry Night I on Sep 10 at 19:30. 

Three-word alliterative self-description: Late, lingering, loose. 

Why write: I was a reader even before I learned to read. I think writing is just an exercise you do when you are not reading. A preparation to read better. 

When/where: In my mind mostly. Then in a journal/sketchbook I try to keep. When it comes to the “actual writing”, on my laptop.  

Writing aids: Beer is okay for me. I am a simple man. 

Back-up plan: Carpentry or gardening.   

What would you like to be remembered for: I know it is difficult: as a good father. 

Shoe size: 40.