Our Conspiracy theories issue is out now!
Inside you’ll find:
THE EX-FILES Did Hitler fake his death? What really brought the Hindenburg down? Was Paul the Octopus assassinated? We’ll walk you through the (alleged) facts, the theories and the analyses of Germany’s top nine conspiracy theories. Plus, an interview with conspiracy journalist and author of the controversial book, Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11, Mathias Bröckers.
HAUNTED The sanatorium of Beelitz once nursed a wounded Hitler back to health during WWI, cared for Russian militants through 1995 and since, has become an abandoned mecca for Satanists, all-night-ravers, a serial killer and neo-nazi love-birds on weekend getaways. Read more on its grisly past and its haunted present.
MAY DAY 2011 In wake of the Liebing 14 eviction, the rise of the riot will only grow stronger. One May Day activist speaks out and tells us how this year’s May 1 Kreuzberg demo could be more brutal than ever.
GENTRIFICATION As rent prices sky-rocket, Berlin’s anger levels are going through the roof. They are furious and want foreigners to know it! But foreigners are not really to blame.
INTERVIEW: WINTER’S BONES DIRECTOR DEBRA GRANIK Her small budget production and no-name actors ventured-out to an off-the-grid American town and brought the underlying problems of its commoners to the big screen, collecting numerous Oscars among other film festival awards.
Our review of the new DOLORES on Wittenbergplatz: Does it beef up to its Mitte counterpart?
An interview with the HUMAN LEAGUE: What do they really think about humans?
KEITH HENNESSY: His take on his new piece, Crotch.
And, a look at the upcoming GALLERY WEEKEND, Berlin’s annual three-day art-bonanza.
Don’t forget about our still-fresh new features: HIPSTER HITLER, IMPORT/EXPORT Robert Rigney on Berlin’s Ausländer underworld and our EVENTS CALENDAR
And much more…
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