After the long Good Friday (then on through Monday), one drags him/her/themselves bedraggled back into the week, still reeking of beer, chocolate and park grass hoping to use the week as a bit of a respite. If anyone out there is like me, that never quite works out – you only get the scaled back version of life.
And if you think that this weekend may at least provide a chance to catch up on your reading or do your laundry – you can forget that too. What seems like a mini-weekend compared to last is jam-packed with twice as much revelry and happening, minus any (official) fetish-y sex parties.
The three biggest events this weekend have required plenty of planning and they’re going to be heard. Of course May 1 and its revolutionary theatre play out in the streets of Kreuzberg, and whether you support the cause or not, you best be prepared for the chaos.
To counter-balance that with a bit of frivolity (not a bad thing), a loose-knit collection of clubs all over Berlin seize on German tradition in with Tanzen Bis Der Mai Kommt. Check out our full guide to the dance.
Then there’s the epic Gallery Weekend, which isn’t just about the 44 (!) officially involved but all the other galleries in town holding concurrent events as well. My recommendation is for alt-rock LP-cover legend Raymond Pettibon, whose selection in the NY MoMA exhibition at Martin Gropius Bau is shamefully small. Fear not, we have a full guide for that, too.
Other than that, I can only edge it up a couple notches with a recommendation to hit the Dust Magazine Launch Party (Fri, Apr 29 @ .HBC) and gay it up a little with Neon Raiders (Sat, Apr 30 @ ZMF).
So much happening, so get used to it, Berlin wird immer heißer.