Last week, the Pope wrote a letter to his sheep, explaining that he was not into kids and neither were Catholics and, that despite appearances, oral sex with eight-year-olds is not part of the holy catechism. Luckily, his Hirtenbrief (the correct English translation of which is “pastoral letter”) was only addressed to the Irish Catholics, not to the German ones, of which he was a member.
This has now been followed this week by a similar letter from EU president Herman Van Rompuy, who called the heads of state of all 27 Euro countries for a meeting today in Brussels.
Van Rompuy is obviously a very different kind of shepherd than the Pope. He is bald, for one thing, and for another, no one has ever heard of him. Plus I think Ratzinger (once known as the Pope’s Rottweiler) could probably take him in a fair fight. This is probably why Angela Merkel is trying to find a reason not to go to the meeting. She may also be hoping that if she doesn’t go, the others might not notice and bail out Greece without her.
I was in Greece last week, by the way. I wish the Bild editors could have stayed in my hotel room when the builders started drilling next door at 7am.