In a country where mild food and sensitive palates are endemic, Pfefferhaus has brought some spice to the locals’ eating habits. To the chili community that has been hiding on the internet for years: hide no more. To the expats who miss a bit of piquancy: rejoice!
At Pfefferhaus, you’ll find it all: from BBQ and hot sauces to an amazing array of treats (chili-flavoured chocolate, anyone?) to wasabi nuts, chips and even the homegrown but hard-to-find Cola Rebell drink. And the hot sauces are the real deal, specially imported from the U.S. and Central and South America. The current bestseller is the (German-produced) Suicide Sauce’s Honey Garlic Hot Sauce Stinger (€7.90), but real alpha males will definitely want to try the Ass Reaper (€9.50) or Sudden Death (€9.95).
If you’re still wary of exposing your pallet to such extremes, just repeat owner Felix Eichholtz’s mantra: “It’s fun! It releases endorphins!” His own favourite is a hot sauce from Costa Rica: Melinda’s Scotch Bonnet (€5,50). Taste it and weep…