
Mystic mixer market

Where can you find shopping magic in Berlin? For only €1 entry, you find it at the Voodoo Market, the every other month party-in-a-bazaar. Handpicked wares, haircuts, tattoos and DIY participation, as well as a party, await.

Image for Mystic mixer market
Photo by Anna Achon
Where can you find shopping magic in Berlin? For only €1 entry, you find it at the Voodoo Market, the every other month party-in-a-market. One euro also automatically enters one in a raffle where those charmed can walk away with any number of things from magazines to fashion accessories. Twenty artists from different disciplines have been carefully chosen for “not just a vintage market”.  Oryanne Dufour started her Voodoo Market project in September of last year, and is now partnered with Maria Ziemann to make the event a one-stop-Berlin-shop experience. “Our main goal is to present not only DIY, not only underground designers, not only fashion bloggers… but a little bit of everything. So it is about bringing together people that would never meet in another situation, to build a community made out of creative and eclectic persons,” Dufour said.   For Dufour, their vintage sellers “spend time to find the perfect clothes or accessories. They have the right eye and feeling for vintage and offer people the best selection possible. You see, finding vintage and making the right selection requires special creative abilities.”  It shows, as it is easy to recognize the difference between a Flohmarkt, where every single object fits because there is no fit, and the Voodoo Market where all pieces are carefully selected.  And DJs absolutely make the atmosphere more than a Flohmarkt as well; people walking around, checking stands, talking with artists, chatting with each other.  If you have a wild hair at the market, you could get it cut off, courtesy of haircuts by Persona Non Grata. Or an even wilder one might lead to an on-the-spot tattoo from upstart studio AKA. ETSY’s lipstick workshop then gets you completely ready for a night out in Berlin. Feeling creative yourself? Then stop by Joey Hansom’s Magazine Surgery, for original collage art creations by, well, you! When you’re done perusing, the best choice to relax oneself is by getting a large plate of Grillfood (€4) – carnivorous or vegetarian options, whatever suits your needs. So be a fashion priestess, not a human pin cushion and visit the next Voodoo Market. Voodoo Market, Sat, Aug 27, 13:00 | Chez Jacki, An der Schillingbrücke, Friedrichshain, S-Bhf Ostbahnhof,