Aside from being the head of Berlinale’s Panorama section since 1992 and initiator of the festival’s Teddy Award, Wieland Speck is the director of EXBlicks selection Escape to Life.

20:00 Of course, I stay at home on Friday night. I started this habit in the 1970s when, as a cool cat, you’d only go out on Mondays and Tuesdays. Friday crowds annoy me.
22:30 I fall asleep, missing the Heute Show on ZDF (see Sunday).
08:00 Hoping to escape senile early rising, I have a lie-in.
11:00 A spa-morning in my own bathroom. Breakfast in the bathtub, then reading everything I missed during the week: Der Freitag, Le Monde Diplomatique, taz and Exberliner.
16:00 Drive to Markgräfler Weinhandlung (Spandauer Damm 27, Charlottenburg) for a six-pack of red Gutedel.
20:00 Make some food… Brussels sprouts or cauliflower and maybe some trout.
10:00 Looking out of the window of my high-rise-apartment, there is sky and weather in abundance.
12:00 Sunday is a good day for hoovering. My dishwasher gets an extra Calgon today.
15:00 Shopping at Ullrich on Kantstraße (Hardenbergstr. 25, Charlottenburg) to queue with people from all over the world for two hours. Afterwards, I give a fiver to the guy who’s living on the sidewalk.
19:00 Watch the Heute Show I missed on Friday.