Gabriel S. Moses (read our interview here) is a sequential artist and graphic novelist giving you some colourful tips on how to wind down this weekend. He’ll be giving a talk at the Disruption Network Lab event A Game Of You on Aug 8, and his work currently features in the ‘Facts & Fiction’ exhibition in Lenbachaus through September 13.
12.00 See friends at Topics bookstore in Neukölln because they’ve definitely got the good stuff when it comes to graphic novels, sci-fi and weird fiction in English.
14.00 Follow up with hummus at Azzam.
16.00 Excessive online TV binging until I pass out.
10.00 Hit the gym at the Ring Center, blasting Miley Cyrus on my headphones while air drumming on the treadmill.
12.00 Lunch back home.
14.00 Compensate with work at my desk, meditating with some ink on paper, drawing, or glaring at the screen, working on a motion sequence, illustrating.
16.00 Wreck brain cells in an attempt to decipher academic jargon while prepping for an upcoming talk or class.
18.00 Mindlessly waste away time posting dubious commentary on Facebook and obliterating any sort of reputation I might have built.
20.00 End up in a one (or two) on one, with friends at Macondo Café right on Boxi.
11.00 A walk in Stadtpark Lichtenberg with our dog, Style.
12.00 Extended stroll down the Soviet War Memorial in Treptow.
14.00 Scout for vegan joints in the area. The default would be either Vöner or YoYo near Boxhagener Kiez.
17.00 Catch a movie at one of the smaller Kreuzberg cinemas, or go see what’s showing at the Martin-Gropius-Bau museum.
19.00 If I’m lucky a friend might be opening a show nearby, or playing a gig in a gloomy room, randomly hitting stuff connected to microphones.