Know Your Taxi Rights
Taxi drivers are not expected to know each and every side street in Berlin. As a rule of thumb they should know the larger intersections and highly frequented streets. If they’re lost, hand ‘em a map!
Short distance rides (Kurzstrecken) are only valid if you hail a moving cab. They cost €4 and run two kilometres. Make sure to announce the Kurzstrecke before the taxi starts moving.
You are entitled to a receipt at the end of your cab journey. Aside from tax claims, receipts are also helpful in case you leave something behind in a taxi or if you have a complaint about your driver.
Up to four people can ride on one fare, each additional person costs €1.50 extra.
Smoking in taxis is banned for both drivers and guests.
Passengers can call the shots when it comes to the volume and station of the radio.
Need a cab?
- Taxi-Ruf Würfelfunk, Tel 0800-CABCALL (0800 2222 255)
- Quality Taxi, Tel 0800 2630 000
- Funk Taxi Berlin, Tel 030 261 026
- Taxifunk Berlin, Tel 030 443 322