IN EXCELSIS BIO Work up the kids’ appetite for all things Easter by visiting Domäne Dahlem between March 25 and 27, where children aged 6 and up can enjoy creative activities, like egg-marbling (with only eco-dyes, of course), weaving an Easter basket, making rabbit cookies and learning about different Easter customs. Entry €17, registration required. Email [email protected]. At Kloster Chorin near Eberswalde from March 30-April 1, you can visit a petting zoo filled with rabbits, Easter lambs and chickens, bake Easter bread, watch a puppet show. Entry €4 for adults, €2.50 for children. For the older generation’s entertainment, there’s a chapel concert on March 31 at 16:00. Domäne Dahlem | Königin-Luise-Str. 49, Dahlem, U-Bhf Dahlem Dorf, Tel. 030 6663 000, www.domaene-dahlem.de Kloster Chorin | Amt Chorin 11a, Chorin Brandenburg, Tel. 033 3667 0377, www.kloster-chorin.com
FIRE ABEND Last, but not least, the German Ostern can’t go down without the traditional Easter Fire. Schloß Diedersdorf lights the match at 18:00 on Easter Sunday and Monday at 16:00. FEZ (Berlin’s youth and family centre) starts their fire for early birds at 15:00 on March 29 and 30. Happy Easter! FEZ | Mar 29-Apr 1, Strassezumfez 2, Berlin Schöneweide, Tel 030 530 710, S-Bahn Wuhlheide, fez-berlin.com