Ilka Brand is a Berlin-based accessories designer. She studied fashion design at HTW Berlin and worked for labels Preen and J. Maskrey in London before founding her own label Lapàporter in Berlin in 2008. The brand specialises in sleek, handmade leather sleeves for phones and laptops. (www.lapaporter.com)
What are your favourite clothes shops in Berlin?
Konk, Temporary Showroom to support my fashion heroes and Herr von Eden for modern vintage pieces.
What three items should every woman have in her wardrobe?
A vintage dress (there is a great collection in Sterling Gold in the Heckmann Höfe in Mitte), a clutch, such as the smartphone clutch from my current collection, and a scarf that goes with any outfit.
Do you have a signature item you always wear or style you always adhere to?
My beautiful Anntian scarf is my go-to accessory.
Who is your style icon?
Marlene Dietrich!
What is your most recent purchase?
My new leather espadrilles from Lika Mimika.
What style do you admire on other people?
I admire women that always manage to add a special glamour to their outfit with a vintage item or hairstyle.
What are your tips for summer dressing?
The great thing about hot weather in the city is that you can wear dresses. My favourite for the summer is a simple silk dress from Thone Negrón that is available at Konk. You can easily style it in different ways with a belt, jewellery, scarves or a small jacket for various looks.
What, if anything, defines the Berliner Frau?
Her casual and relaxed style.