“Overcome content!”
Die PARTEI (acronym for Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung & basisdemokratische Initiative) was founded in August 2004 by Martin Sonneborn, editor of satirical monthly Titanic. ‘The Party‘ is famous for advocating rebuilding the Berlin Wall (in order to create a functioning communist system!) and boasts no less than 10,263 members.
Historical high: 0.9 percent in Berlin in 2011
Candidates: Present in 10 states, mostly Berlin (17 on party list and 10 direct) and North-Rhine- Westphalia
Why vote for your party? Because otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble after we take over!
Your best slogan? “Overcome content!” (“Inhalte überwinden!”)
Your most innovative idea? The election poster with the slogan “Inhalte überwinden!” created by our treasurer Helena Barba. It makes all election posters by the other dubious parties irrelevant.
Make a constitutional change… Reduce the voting age to 15. We are mostly elected by young people and would instantly have the absolute majority.
Immigration? We should accept as many refugees as the country can hold. In return we are willing to deport a few Germans to conflict areas: Markus Lanz, Uli Hoeneß, the entire FDP. The list is extendable.
The euro? Not only do we want to re-introduce the Berlin Wall, we also want to build a wall around Germany as a matter of stopping globalization and the uncontrollable flow of cash. Euro or not – that won’t be important then.
The NSA scandal? Everyone affiliated with surveillance, NSA, secret services or the Ministry of the Interior will be put in a camp. Enough said?
Berlin… needs to become a “tourist-free zone”. We advocate a re-introduction of GDR rent, as low as €40 or €50… we are also planning on blowing up the new Berlin Palace (Stadtschloss) directly after reconstruction has finished. And Merkel needs to be held responsible in a propaganda trial in the Olympic arena while locked in a cage.
Veganism? Where do I stand on veganism? Very straight. Otherwise I’ll get back pain.
Answers by Martin Sonneborn, founder and current leader