“Pursue happiness.”
Founded in 1992 by journalist Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the German-born wife of US activist Lyndon LaRouche, the BüSo (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität) is Germany’s own incarnation of the US messianic movement. The ‘party’ boasts 1158 members from all over the political spectrum who sometimes sing classical songs in the U-Bahn “to promote classical culture”.
Results last election: 0.1 percent
Historical high: 0.3 percent in Saxony in 2009
Candidates: Present in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North-Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. In Berlin: 11 on party list, one direct.
Why vote for your party? Because we know how dangerous it will be if we do not manage to control the world financial crisis with the help of a separate banking system and a comprehensive economic reconstruction programme.
Your best slogan? “Common good, not fascism/bank dictatorships, separation of commercial and investment banking now!”
Your most innovative idea? For decades we have been predicting a worldwide crash if we do not introduce a new non-monetarist system.
Make a constitutional change… Adopt the basic principles of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence, especially the pursuit of happiness.
Immigration? Xenophobia is the result of the economic crisis and can only be overcome if everyone is guaranteed a well-paid job.
The euro? From the very beginning the euro was a failure, and all Maastricht EU agreements should be cancelled. We need to return to national currencies.
The NSA scandal? The current scale of surveillance has crossed the line between Orwell’s surveillance state and fascism.
Berlin… needs to return to its tradition as an industrial city. The promotion of unproductive fields such as fashion, film, leisure, sport etc. is a distraction that might attract tourists but will not save the city from bankruptcy.
Veganism? Time will make this fad disappear.
Answers by Wolfgang Lillge, regional leader in Berlin