
Google craps

Get ready for the spiffiest shitter in town: the Berliner Toilette. Wall GmbH, Berlin’s public toilet monopolist since 1993, came up with this high-tech model last year.

Image for Google craps

Courtesy of Wall GmbH

Get ready for the spiffiest shitter in town: the Berliner Toilette. Wall GmbH, Berlin’s public toilet monopolist since 1993, came up with this high-tech model last year. Seven of them, each costing more than €100,000, have already popped up throughout the city. All 172 existing “City Toilettes” will eventually get upgraded to the next-gen “Berliner”, and by 2020 the projected total will be 190. Along with added emphasis on accessibility, some units will finally include baby-changing tables and urinals. Perhaps counter-intuitively, there is no longer an automatic floor-cleaning function – a cleaning team checks each cubicle three times a day – but there is one additional high-tech feature: the brush that pops out to wipe off the seat (itself crafted from nearly indestructible aluminium, to deter vandalism)after you exit is now laser-assisted. If you want to try the latest in public pooping yourself, the Berliner Toilette app will navigate you to the nearest potty. Afterwards, you can rate the facilities, cleanliness, and payment experience on the application – but beware, you can’t see other users’ warnings. You can also use the app to pay the 50-cent fee, along with cash or card, giving you 20 minutes to take care of business. If that’s not enough time, you can push a button to reset the clock for another 20, free of charge. Much cheaper than a desk at a co-working space!

The Berliner Toilette app is available on iTunes and Google Play