• Berlin
  • Berlin’s best vintage: original sin


Berlin’s best vintage: original sin

Though some stock a normal range of vintage items, these shops specialise in original designs and big-name labels, from collectors’ kicks to haute couture.

Image for Berlin's best vintage: original sin
Photo by Maia Schoenfelder

Though some stock a normal range of vintage items, these shops specialise in original designs and big-name labels, from collectors’ kicks to haute couture.

Paul’s Boutique €€

Decorated with toys a kid from the East would lust over, this one’s strictly for the dudes. Robots peek out from every Stüssy-stuffed corner and Star Wars collectibles hide behind towering piles of Nikes, while Flintstones dolls chill with Snoopy and Batman by the Adidas and Converse.

The sneaker collection (€50-150) here is mind-blowing, and prices aren’t excessive – definitely a go-to shop if you’re searching for a certain pair of Dunks or Van high-tops. Vintage leather jackets and Fred Perry shirts class up an otherwise street-wear vibe.

If it’s not your thing, drag your boyfriend there, and while he’s searching around, sneak off down the street to Goo (below) for some feminine ambiance.

Oderberger Str. 47, Prenzlauer Berg, U-Bhf Eberswalder Str. Mon-Sat 12-20

Cache Coeur €€€

The first thing you might notice about Cache Coeur is the endearing chaos, reigned over by eccentric owner Gerlinde’s artistic moods and nonlinear working methods.

While half the clothes are on a rack and half are in boxes lining the floor, there is the opportunity for treasures everywhere – and they are there, so dive right in. For Berliners used to rummaging through dress piles, this will be a familiar shopping experience – just replace old H&M with Prada and Pucci!

With many pieces bought from auctions and warehouse sales, you can expect to find flawless, original-condition silk and leather gloves, strappy sandals and elegant pumps, bowlers hats, satin purses and leather bags (all €10-200). The pieces have been picked for their quality and condition.

With a wonderful mixture of haute couture labels like Alexander McQueen (the owner is a huge fan) and lesser-known, though still exquisite, pieces by no one in particular, the items range widely in price and the stockpiles of coats and designer dresses (€100-400) are seemingly infinite.

Schönhauser Allee 174, Prenzlauer Berg, U-Bhf Senefelderplatz, Tue-Fri 14-20, Sat 12-18

Das Neue Schwarz €€€€

Hidden from street view, this small and pricey Mitte boutique is a fabulous place to find a mix of second-season clothing, vintage accessories, like an Etienne Aigner saddlebag (€69), and furnishings such as a 1990s bar stool set with a pastel geometric pattern (€190).

Because they take only the best quality pieces, it’s in the accessories and not the clothing that you are more likely to find something “vintage”.

But regardless, this is the perfect place to pick up that incredible Chloé Bay bag (€480) you eyed in 2007 or a vintage Vivienne Westwood jacket (€649) and suede Acne peep toes (€199).

Mulackstr. 37, Mitte, U-Bhf. Weinmeisterstr., Thu-Sat 12-20

Goo €€€

The offspring of Paul’s Boutique, this tiny closet-like store adorned with antique Chanel paraphernalia, larger-than-life lipsticks and a crystal chandelier, sports a mix of vintage and second-season labels such as YSL, McQueen, Helmut Lang, Chanel, Miu Miu and Dior.

With such names though, prices don’t come cheap (shirts and dresses, €30-200), so if you’re on a budget, we advise you stick to the selection of shoes like wooden, leather-strapped wedges, velvet flats and colourful Marc Jacobs-esque strappy sandals.

Oderberger Str. 45, Prenzlauer Berg, U-Bhf Eberswalder Str., Mon-Sat 12-20