I first made these vegetarian burgers for a BBQ with a group of friends last summer. I had already planned some sausage rolls, a bacon tart and some beef skewers but then realized that I had not catered for my vegetarian friends! Just as I was making the bean burgers my boyfriend said ‘they look nice, but would much prefer a beef burger!’ Oh how that changed. Even the biggest of meat lovers also love these burgers. We sat there on a warm sunny day, with a group of friends and everyone tucked into the burgers – vegetarian or not. It is a recipe for everyone.
The salsa and yoghurt add extra flavor to the dish and can easily be packed into a tupperware box to take to a BBQ. This is also a quick and easy meal to make at home and best eaten with your hands – no knifes and forks please – with plenty of kitchen paper as it will get messy. The sauces and salad add plenty of colour that it will be like having summer in your kitchen all year round!
Ingredients: makes 4 burgers
For the burgers:
2 x 400g tins black beans
Olive oil
75g breadcrumbs
1 tspn cumin powder
Small handful of finely chopped spring onions
1 tspn chilli flakes
4 burger buns
For the garnich: bit of rocket, slices of tomato and red onion slices.
For the tomato salsa:
Handful of chopped spring onions
5 tomatoes
Small handful of fresh coriander
1 tbspn tomato puree
1 tspn dried chilli flakes
1 small green chilli (finely sliced)
Juice of half a lemon
For the lime coriander yoghurt:
Juice of 1 lime
150ml natural yoghurt
Handful of fresh coriander
For the burgers: Drain the beans and then add them to a blender with 1 tbpsn olive oil. Blitz until roughly blended and then tip into a mixing bowl. Add the egg, spring onions, cumin, chilli and breadcrumbs and mix until combined. Roll into 4 patties. Heat a frying pan with 1 tbpsn olive oil and once hot add the patties, slightly flattening them and cook on each side for 4-5 minutes.
For the tomato salsa: Add the tomatoes to a bowl of hot water and leave for just a couple of minutes. Scoop out the tomatoes and gently peel of the skins. Roughly chop them and add to a blender and whiz until roughly blended. Pour into a mixing bowl and add the tomato puree, coriander, lemon juice, spring onions and chilli. Mix well, transfer to a serving bowl and keep in the fridge until needed.
For the lime coriander yoghurt: mix everything together in a small bowl. Transfer to a serving bowl and place in the fridge until needed.
Place the burgers each in a burger bun, add the garnish to each one and top with each sauce. Serve with more lime wedges.
For more great recipes check out A Modern Rose website!