• Berlin
  • A Modern Rose: Chocolate Orange Mousse


A Modern Rose: Chocolate Orange Mousse

Is a chocolate mousse an old fashioned recipe? Rose Silford doesn’t think so and makes a little pot of chocolate heaven anyway!

Image for A Modern Rose: Chocolate Orange Mousse

To me chocolate mousse has this real retro feel to it that I believe has become the ‘forgotten dessert’. I find loads of chocolate mousse recipes when browsing through my family’s old recipe books, but flicking through my more modern recipe books it is often hard to find a recipe for a chocolate mousse. Martha Stewart made sure to include the recipe in her book Pies and Tarts – Old Fashioned and Modern Favourites.

But lightly whipped chocolate with a fluffy texture that you can just dip your spoon in and eat away – what is not to like? It is a little pot of heaven.

I was recently celebrating my birthday at Exberliner fav Gugelhof and they served a white chocolate mousse amongst an array of other desserts – and we all went straight for the mousse. 

It may be slightly forgotten but it still goes down a treat! Whenever I make this my guests are happy. Maybe they are happy due to a memory of theirs (my favourite is eating the shop bought ones as a child. The kind you got in a British supermarkets in the 1990s that are loaded with sugar and so fluffy they are basically just air) or the fact they have been given a pot full of melted chocolate!

And I never have a problem popping down to my local Rewe to buy the ingredients. It’s a winner!


3 medium free range eggs

70g dark chocolate (I go for minimum 60 percent cocoa solids)

Juice of half an orange

1 tbpsn caster sugar

30g butter

Melt the butter and chocolate in a pan on a low heat. Stir in the sugar and gently melt. Take the pan off the heat once melted and stir in the orange juice.

Separate the eggs by putting the egg yolks into one bowl and the eggs whites into another. Gently stir in the eggs yolks to the pan of melted chocolate using a wooden spoon.

Take the bowl of egg whites and whisk until light and forms soft peaks. Then gently fold in half the egg white mixture to the pan of chocolate. Lightly fold so that the chocolate becomes light and then fold in the remaining egg white until the chocolate becomes fluffy.

Pour into small ramekins or serving bowls. A nice alternative is to serve these in little teacups and saucers.

Place in the fridge for around 2 -3 hours and then serve straight from the fridge.

For more great recipes check out A Modern Rose Website.