• Berlin
  • A chat with… Johanna Perret and Tutia Schaad


A chat with… Johanna Perret and Tutia Schaad

Johanna Perret and Tutia Schaad showed their third collection in Berlin in January 2011, but they have already been hailed as the design duo to watch by press and international buyers alike.

Image for A chat with... Johanna Perret and Tutia Schaad
Photo by Christian Schwarzenberg

Johanna Perret and Tutia Schaad showed their third collection in Berlin in January 2011, but they have already been hailed as the design duo to watch by press and international buyers alike. Their use of clean lines, flattering cuts and contrasting block colours has earned them the nickname “Jil Sander’s daughters.”

What kind of women do you design for?

Women who wear our designs are different ages and have different styles. They find in our collections a way to express their own vision.

What’s your favourite clothes shop in Berlin?

Ulf Haines. 

What three things should every woman have in her wardrobe?

Perfect leather shoes, a classic but cool white shirt, a fine wool coat.

Do you have a signature item you always wear or style you adhere to?

Our Max Shirt is a classic in Perret Schaad collections. It is a man’s shirt made of fine cotton or silk that allows both elegant and playful adaptations in the collections.

Who is your style icon?

Our friends and family.

What is your most recent purchase?

Tutia Schaad: A vintage pair of cognac suede heels.

Johanna Perret: A striped pearl necklace from Sabrina Dehoff.

What style do you admire on other people?

Lately a game between chic and cool, but style in general, nothing you could name.

What project are you currently working on?

We are mainly working on the financial establishment of our label, presenting the last collection to the shops and getting inspirations for new designs.

Is there a trend you can’t wait to see the back of?

Perret Schaad rarely look back; we only do so in order to learn from the past, design the present and shape the future.

What, if anything, defines the Berliner Frau?

Sexy with much discretion.