Long Night of Museums is turning up the noise. Their huge program of 750 events across 75 museums is going to be accompanied by music at every turn, from tango to techno.

Sound installations, DJ sets, live concerts, machine noises, radio transmissions from the Cold War, barrel organs from Prenzlauer Berg, songs by Brecht and Eisler, nightingale’s song: diverse sounds will mingle during the Berlin summer night on August 26.

Want to learn how to tango, build your own instrument or just dance until 2am to the best of Berlin’s beats? You can try it all at the Long Night of Museums. The Lustgarten square will also be buzzing, as the Kultursommerfestival transforms the space with a mobile orchestra, a drum circle and dance performances.

Travel with Jelbi to all participating museums
With this ticket, you will receive a Jelbi voucher worth 10€ at the Jelbi pop-ups at the Long Night of Museums on August 26, 2023 from 5 pm. You can pick up one voucher per ticket and redeem it in the Jelbi app to rent scooters, bikes, or for car sharing and taxis. The voucher is valid for two weeks from August 26, 2023.
In addition, you can use the shuttle buses of the Long Night of Museums on three routes.
Tip: Install the Jelbi app before the Long Night of Museums so you can quickly redeem the voucher and be ready to go. You can find all information about the Jelbi app at www.jelbi.de/lndm, about the Jelbi pop-ups and about mobility during the Long Night of Museums at www.langenachtdermuseen.berlin/mobilitaet.
- Long Night of the Museums August 26, 2023, 18:00-02:00, 18€, reduced 12€; from July 31 to August 13, discount tickets for 12€, reduced 10€; children 12 and under free. Tickets and program here.
This article was produced in collaboration with Lange Nacht der Museen.