Genzken’s current exhibition at König Galerie is an overlapping installation haphazardly thrown together in St. Agnes’ soaring nave. Store display mannequins (Genzken refers to them as “actors”) in various states of (in)action breakup the room between concrete antennaed micro-monoliths flanked by taped collages created in a more recognisable Genzken manner. While the strength of Genzken’s work has always been the delicate melding of Modernist formal sensibility with consumerist kitsch, the balance here falls heavily to the side of scattered crap strewn about for no apparent reason. Besides the inclusion of random photographs that are so self-referential it makes your head spin, the greatest failure of this show is its complete disregard for the unusual exhibition space itself. In other words, these works could be shown to the same effect, if not better, in any other gallery – including the simplified consumer tape on aluminum works that still hold a tension lost everywhere else.
Through Jan 7.