The Slovenian political art collective Neue Slowenische Kunst loves to toy around with Germanic words and images – their most famous offshoot is the faux-fascist band Laibach. The NSK started in 1984, as an umbrella organization for radical anti-establishment art groups under Yugoslavia’s socialist regime.
In 1992, Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia… and so did the NSK, founding a “New State in Time”: a utopian, 8th Wonderland-esque entity with passports and thousands of art-minded “citizens”.
The world’s first soil-less state touches earth for the first time at the First NSK Citizen’s Congress at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Intrigued?
The state opens up with seminars, an exhibition of Volkart (“indigenous art”) and a film programme, as well as talks by Berlin-based contemporary Slovenian art and media art specialist Inke Arns, Irwin (the NSK’s visual arts branch), and political theory scholar/Lacan expert Yannis Stavrakakis.
October 21, 23, 19:00, October 22, 18:00