• Art
  • Bharti Kher: Dark Matter


Bharti Kher: Dark Matter

This month, curator Patricia Kamp presents Indian artist Bharti Kher’s first solo exhibition in Germany at Museum Frieder Burda, on through Feb 17.

Image for Bharti Kher: Dark Matter

For the last couple of years, Baden-Baden’s Museum Frieder Burda has maintained an outpost on Augustraße; this month, curator Patricia Kamp presents Indian artist Bharti Kher’s first solo exhibition in Germany in dialogue with one of Gerhard Richter’s famous 1974 “Gray Paintings” on loan from the museum. Kher is known best for metamorphic sculptures and paintings made of Hindu bindis; there are plenty of each in this uneven show, punctuated by two great works. The 2013 wall installation What can I tell you that you don’t know already (2013) is an incredible mix of shattered glass, metal, bindis and paint reminiscent of Fred Tomaselli’s early resin paintings. It spans a long grey hallway in asymmetrical circular form, harkening both destruction and creation. In the last room, the exhibition’s namesake abstract, amorphous painting “Dark Matter [MM]” (2015) shows Kher at her mesmerising best.

Bharti Kher: Dark Matter Through Feb 17